Fighting the Winter Blues

Fighting the Winter Blues

When the thermostat dips down, many people struggle with feelings of depression and lethargy. Those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are not the only people who wrestle with the feelings of depression during the cold months. Shorter days, cold...
Your First Meeting With a Therapist

Your First Meeting With a Therapist

So you’ve done your research and have finally found a great therapist for you. The next step is to meet with the therapist and there is a certain level of anxiety associated with meeting a therapist for the first time. If you are completely new to therapy and...
Starting the Year Off Right

Starting the Year Off Right

Every year offers a fresh start. New Year’s resolutions are so common, but people often have a hard time keeping them. You can avoid this issue by carefully thinking about your resolutions and planning how to accomplish them. The most important part of working toward...
Why Mental Health Education is Important

Why Mental Health Education is Important

Mental health issues affect 1 in 4 children or adolescents in the United States. Most people who develop a mental disorder experience symptoms by age 24. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people between 15 and 24. While public schools have increased...
The Benefits of Volunteering

The Benefits of Volunteering

With the holiday season approaching, there are many opportunities available to help out your community and volunteer. Although our schedules may be busy, if there is some time left in your schedule to volunteer, you should. The benefits to volunteering are many and...