by Herrick Lipton | Aug 19, 2018 | Herrick Lipton
The fact that sexual abuse and assault continue to happen is a great horror of society. What’s also jarring is the fact that many abuse victims don’t come forward. People have their own personal reasons as to why they don’t share this information....
by Herrick Lipton | May 21, 2018 | Herrick Lipton
Using 211 services during a mental health crisis – what is 211? is it available everywhere? What are the mental health services that are offered? Cellphone and landline users making calls within the United States have access to N11 codes, like emergency services...
by Herrick Lipton | Dec 5, 2017 | Herrick Lipton
Unfortunately, it’s become commonplace in our society. Horrible mass shootings take place in the United States and around the world and often follow a similar pattern: the news reports, information about the shooter, the list of the victims, and then talks of what...
by Herrick Lipton | Jul 14, 2017 | Herrick Lipton
Many people are accustomed to periods of high stress at different points in their lives, but not everyone experiences panic attacks. While some people may say they are having a panic attack during these times, they most likely aren’t actually having one and it’s...
by Herrick Lipton | Jun 14, 2017 | Herrick Lipton
There are two words that every man or boy has heard as some point in his life: “Man up.” These words are typically said during times of distress, when issues are difficult to deal with and morale is low. The phrase “man up” or “be a man” just means to move on...